Memorial Items


A Mother's Blessed Keepsakes
Custom crafted keepsake jewellery created with Breastmilk, Cremation ash, Locks of hair, Placenta dust, Embryo ash, Dried flowers, Umbilical cord, Soil, even Fabric

Alexis Marie Chute
Her artwork includes and combines painting, photography, video, textiles, typography, and found objects

Angel Book: A Baby Loss Journal Paperback by Sweet Julian (Author),‎ L Virissimo (Creator)
This journal is meant to help mothers who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal demise. The book contains phrases and prompts that highlight the baby’s imprint on the mother’s life and provides uplifting quotes from the baby loss community. It allows the mother to commemorate and honor the brief life of her baby in a meaningful way that will also help heal and inspire her grieving heart. (Some available at cost through meetings)

Artful Ashes
Your loved one’s ashes memorialized in glass art

Ashes To Glass
Where love becomes glass. Blending ashes and glass into unique works of art... memorial glass jewelry and keepsakes made with love, from our family to yours

Avery's Garden
Baby Loss colouring books (Some available at cost through meetings)

Butterfly Wings n' Wishes
Butterfly release

Centering Grief Resources
Grief Resources for adults, children and teens

Cherished Sentiments
Charms made with actual handprints/footprints

Comfort Company
Sympathy gifts, books, cremation jewelry, and keepsakes

Commemorative Trees
Planting a tree in your baby’s memory

Cuddles for Keeps

Birth Bears, Bereavement Bears and Buddie Bears

Danielle Joy Designs
Hand Stamped Jewelry

Dear Coco Design
Also check on Instagram
Custom embryo paintings of the sweetest miracles

Everlasting Heart Keepsakes
Cremation and breast milk jewelery

Get Name Necklace
Engraved baby feet ring with birthstone

Grief Watch
Your resource for dealing with loss

Heaven's Gains
Pregnancy loss support, caskets, urns and memorial items

Held Your Whole Life
This is a place for bereaved families who have experienced the loss of their baby(s) in-utero, whether through miscarriage or still birth

I Had a Miscarriage
Realistic Pregnancy Loss Cards

Jacobs Wings
Sculptures & Keepsakes

Jewelry Keepsakes
Cremation Jewelry In Honor of Those You Love

Joy Comes in the Morning
Joy Comes in the Morning: Coloring Through Infant Loss and Miscarriage Paperback Loss Colouring book (faith based)

La Belle Dame
Miscarriage Jewelry for those who have experienced the loss of a baby by miscarriage or stillbirth during pregnancy, or during infancy

Little Santi Designs

Heartfelt line of rings for miscarriage & pregnancy loss

Memorial Benches
Dedicate a commemorative plaque displayed on benches in the City’s parks and open spaces

Memory Glass
Provides a unique method of memorializing your family, friends and pets by suspending cremated remains within solid glass sculptures and keepsake jewelry

Metal Stamped Memories
Jewelry and keepsakes that keep the memories close to your heart

Miscarriage Grief Journal
48 Journaling Prompts to Process the Loss of a Baby

Molly Bears
They create weighted bears for families coping with any form of infant loss

Mourning Drop Memorial Jewelry
Sympathy jewelry

My Forever Child
Keepsakes and jewelry for remembrance, healing and hope

My Tangible Peace
Realistic Models of all gestations

Personalized Loss Books
A Range of Personalized baby, child, and adult loss books

Pictures On Gold
Creates the finest Photo Pendants and Charms, Gold Lockets, Silver Lockets and other Personalized Photo Jewelry

Portraits By Dana
Gently hand-drawn portraits for the infant loss community

Project Robby
It is our goal to supply grieving families with a bereavement set (hat/blanket/angel wing) that is the appropriate size of their angel baby

Reborn dolls
Realistic looking baby dolls

Seeded Hope
Treasured pieces for your journey. Designed to bring hope & healing. Handcrafted with broken, waiting & hopeful hearts in mind. Creating personalized gifts to mark life's milestones

Silver Soul
A unique collection of jewelry and keepsakes

Splash Of Miracles

Embryo and other IVF inspired watercolor paintings

Star Moment
We print the stars, as they were aligned in your special Moment

Thumbies Fingerprint Jewelry
A Thumbies personalized print charm is such a unique and precious piece of jewelry, created from actual fingerprints, handprints, or footprints

Telus World of Science Edmonton - Be A Star
The Edmonton Space & Science Foundation's Be a Star program is perfect for any gift giving occasion and also offers a lasting sentiment as a memorial or tribute

Twinkle Star Project
Remembering babies gone too soon



An Empty Cradle A Full Heart – Christine O’Keefe Lafser

Having twice lost children to death, the author offers grieving parents the empathy and courage that can come only from one who has shared the experience. Each reflection in this beautifully designed 249 page book is juxtaposed with a quote from Scripture

Comfort Us Lord Our Baby Died – Norman Hagley, D.Min

This is a book of prayers for families who have lost an infant to stillbirth or early infant death. Author Norman Hagley, includes A Mother’s Prayer, A Prayer of Hope, A Father’s Prayer, A Prayer for a Very Young Child in addition to prayers for Caregivers and Inner Strength.

Discovering Hope – Anna Sklar 

Discovering Hope chronicles the first ten years on a journey of healing after stillbirth.
Anna’s middle son, Caleb Joshua Freedom Sklar, was stillborn on May 21, 2003.
Writing about the experience has been the best way for Anna to process the grief she felt over the unexpected loss of her baby. In this book she offers journal entries, blog posts, articles, poems, thoughts, and reflections for you to read.
During the last ten years, Anna has encouraged and supported countless people on a similar journey of grief. She found her greatest source of healing came through connecting with others and sharing their stories. Discovering Hope contains a handful of those stories, contributed by other women who have discovered some hope weaved in with the sadness and pain of their loss.
For Anna, there were no answers for the loss; there were no reasons why her tiny Caleb died so suddenly. She shares her struggle to sift through the confusion and the heavy sadness. She comes alongside you while you do the same, and offers to walk and talk with you on the journey of healing.
Faith was the greatest source of hope Anna discovered on the journey. Through praying, reading the Bible and talking with other Christians, Anna was able to find some peace about Caleb’s death. Some days she was shouting at God, some days she was weeping, and some days she was calm and peaceful. He took it all from her and comforted her like only a Heavenly Father could.
Anna has searched for ways to make Caleb’s tiny life meaningful. This book is one of those ways.
Proceeds from the book will be used for charity donations, free distribution of copies of the book, and family mission trips.

Empty Arms – Hope and Support for those who have suffered a miscarriage, stillbirth or tubal pregnancy – Pam Vredevelt

Christian-based emotional support from the “Shocking News” through “Grief” and on to the “Challenge of a Postpartum Body” and “Eating for Health”. There is also a chapter “The Bible Offers Hope & Comfort.”

Expecting with Hope: Claiming Joy When Expecting A Baby After A Loss – Teske Drake 

‘You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.’ -Isaiah 26:3 

When 31 percent of pregnancies end in loss, it is no surprise that miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss brings great grief, nor is there a shortage of books addressing how to move through and past that sorrow. What is seldom considered, however, is that 85 percent of those women go on to become pregnant again-yet the complexity of emotions triggered by a pregnancy following a loss is rarely addressed. With this book, Teske Drake challenges women to claim joy in the midst of grief when newly expecting, and shows them just how to accomplish that. Centered on biblical promises like the one above, and focused specifically around promises of ‘peace,’ this book is a practical guide written by a mother who’s been there. Drake acknowledges the torrent of anxiety that replaces the natural joy pregnancy can bring. She avoids painful cliches and works instead to unearth deeper truths. Her tone is gentle, caring, and compassionate, drawing women back to a place of peace and joy, both with God and with their current pregnancy. This ten-chapter book includes accompanying devotions, ‘Pregnancy Prayers,’ personal anecdotes from other mothers who’ve experienced similar loss, and ‘Pen the Promise’ journaling prompts to encourage personal application of the promises Drake reveals. She constantly drives the reader back to Scripture, sharing not only promises given, but promises fulfilled. Women are offered practical information, as well as encouragement and inspiration. With Expecting with Hope, Drake provides a deeply needed space for expectant mothers to rediscover the joy and peace of pregnancy.

Gentle Willow: A Story for Children About Dying – J.C. Mills

Explains the dying process, how the living can comfort the dying, and how we cherish memories of them after death. Can prepare a sibling for the impending death of a baby. Spiritual without being religious, it describes death as change of form rather than an ending.

Grace like Scarlett – Adriel Booker

Though one in four pregnancies ends in loss, miscarriage is shrouded in such secrecy and stigma that the woman who experiences it often feels deeply isolated, unsure how to process her grief. Her body seems to have betrayed her. Her confidence in the goodness of God is rattled. Her loved ones don’t know what to say. Her heart is broken. She may feel guilty, ashamed, angry, depressed, confused, or alone. With vulnerability and tenderness, Adriel Booker shares intimate stories about her experiences with miscarriage to help you navigate your own grief and know you aren’t alone. She tackles complex questions about faith, suffering, and God’s will with sensitivity and clarity, devoid of religious clichés or pat answers. Ultimately, Adriel invites you to a wide-open place of grace, honesty, and genuine hope as you discover a redemption story unfolding in the shadows of your loss. She also includes practical resources for ways to help guide children through grief, advice on pregnancy after loss, and special sections for dads and loved ones

Grieving the Child I Never Knew – Kathe Wunnenberg

When the anticipation of your child’s birth turns into the grief of miscarriage, tubal pregnancy, stillbirth, or early infant death, no words on earth can ease your loss. But there is strength and encouragement in the wisdom of others who have been there and found that God’s comfort is real. Having experienced three miscarriages and the death of an infant son, Kathe Wunnenberg knows the deep anguish of losing a child. Grieving the Child I Never Knew was born from her personal journey through sorrow. It is a wise and tender companion for mothers whose hearts have been broken–mothers like you whose dreams have been shattered and who wonder how to go on. This devotional collection will help you grieve honestly and well. With seasoned insights and gentle questions, it invites you to present your hurts before God, and to receive over time the healing that He alone can–and will–provide. Each devotion includes: * Scripture passage and prayer * ‘Steps Toward Healing’ questions * Space for journaling Readings for holidays and special occasions also included.

Hannah’s Hope – Jennifer Saake 

Hannah’s Hope offers insightful and heartfelt encouragement for couples dealing with infertility, miscarriage or failed adoption. Building on the story of Hannah (First Samuel, chapter 1), Jennifer Saake interweaves her personal experiences with advice gleaned from over ten years of providing aid to grieving families through the support network she co-founded with husband Rick, Hannah’s Prayer Ministries. While remaining true to the very real and anguishing emotions of longing for a child, Jenni continually directs her readers back to the comfort and strength of a compassionate God. Each chapter concludes with a special “Burden Bearers” section offering practical suggestions for pastors, family members and friends

Healing Relationships with Miscarried, Aborted and Stillborn Babies – Sheila Fabricant, Matthew Linn, Dennis Linn, S.J

The loss of a child through miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth is a deep hurt. Healing happens as parents share their grief with Jesus and experience how they can continue to give and receive love and forgiveness with their child in prayer through Jesus.

Heaven Is For Real – Todd Burpo

When Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy, his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What they weren’t expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the months that followed—a story as beautiful as it was extraordinary, detailing their little boy’s trip to heaven and back.

Colton, not yet four years old, told his parents he left his body during the surgery–and authenticated that claim by describing exactly what his parents were doing in another part of the hospital while he was being operated on. He talked of visiting heaven and relayed stories told to him by people he met there whom he had never met in life, sharing events that happened even before he was born. He also astonished his parents with descriptions and obscure details about heaven that matched the Bible exactly, though he had not yet learned to read. With disarming innocence and the plainspoken boldness of a child, Colton tells of meeting long-departed family members. He describes Jesus, the angels, how “really, really big” God is, and how much God loves us. Retold by his father, but using Colton’s uniquely simple words, Heaven Is for Real  offers a glimpse of the world that awaits us, where as Colton says, “Nobody is old and nobody wears glasses.”

Heaven Is for Real will forever change the way you think of eternity, offering the chance to see, and believe, like a child.


Holding on to Faith – Audrey McDonald Careny.

Audrey McDonald Careny lives in the town of Shepherdsville, KY. She is a licensed professional counselor who earned her master’s degree in mental health counseling from Indiana University Southeast. Upon building her dream of having children, she encountered an emotional turmoil she never expected to experience. Over a seven-year period, from 1998-2004, she and her husband experienced a total of five pregnancies. Of the five, they experienced the loss of two babies by miscarriage, the loss of one by a tubal pregnancy, and through faith, they gave birth to two precious babies. This is a story of her personal experience while trying to conceive. It is the sharing of a story while trying to fulfill the dream of motherhood. Holding On To Faith is a story for those who have experienced the loss of their unborn child. It is a journey that offers hope and faith for a future conception.

I Didn’t Miscarry Her….She Died – Michelle Myers-Walters

A vivid and creative expression of what it’s like to lose an unborn child and heal from such a loss. Through a combination of real life stories, poetry, song lyrics, letters, quotes, and personal observations, author Michelle Myers-Walters meets every experience with refreshing honesty and comfort for the hurting mother. It’s ok to be scared, to have your faith shaken, to be upset at insensitive doctors or ignorant friends, and to rely on the warm arms of family support. You did not mis-carry your baby, and the situation is not your fault. You are still mourning a loved one, regardless of how small they may have been.

Letters to My Unborn Children: Meditations on the Silent Grief of Miscarriage – Shawn T Collins

This book contains author Shawn T. Collins reflections on the silent grief of miscarriage, and encouragement to those who grieve that you are not alone. Miscarriage is a silent grief. It is unexpected before it happens, frequently unexplainable when it occurs, and rarely discussed afterwards. Parents grieve in different ways and at different times from each other. That can complicate and exacerbate their grief. Shawn and Kristine Collins experienced this when three of their pregnancies ended in first trimester miscarriages. Letters to My Unborn Children discusses the tension between cautious excitement and hope for new life with each pregnancy, and the raw grief, vanished dreams and cynicism that accompanied each loss. Recognizing other forms of silent grief helped Shawn and Kristine begin to grieve and heal together. The gentle honesty with which Shawn integrates the miscarriages into his identity invites you into universal experiences of fear, hope, grief, and transformation.

Losing You Too Soon: Finding Hope After Miscarriage of the Loss of a Baby – Bernadette Keaggy

The Keaggys’ experience mirrors that of many who have experience stillbirth or miscarriage and don’t know where to turn for hope and healing.

In Losing You too Soon Bernadette writes with candor about the hurt and confusion that shook her, Phil, and their marriage as they dealt with the eventual loss of five babies. Her story does not offer simple solutions, but an example of finding the strength and courage to go on. Interspersed with the Keaggys’ story is practical advice for dealing with and recovering from loss. Poignant letters from other couples reveal different facets of grief and coping.

Many people who have experienced such a loss know how hard it is to find someone can truly understand what they are going through. For such readers, or those who seek to comfort them, Losing You to Soon is a source of profound encouragement and a reminder that God promises grace and hope in the midst of even the deepest pain.

Love From a Star – Katherine Cutchin Gazetta

Sometimes you just need to know that you are loved. That is what this little gift book is all about. With a stowaway frog hidden throughout the pages, Love from a Star brings a message that you are loved and never alone. Wherever you are, whatever you face, God is there. Just look for His star. Painted with watercolors for a whimsical effect, this book includes glow-in-the-dark stars, a gift from Bear and Rabbit.

Love Letters to Miscarried Moms – Samantha Evans

Love Letters to Miscarried Moms is the story of one woman’s journey, the same journey that each mother who miscarries begrudgingly embarks on–the excitement of pregnancy, the overwhelming, unfathomable devastation and loss, the grotesque details that no one speaks of, the uphill road toward hope and freedom–and the Savior who walks beside her every step of the way. “Though she stumbles, she will not fall, for the Lord upholds her with His right hand” (Psalm 37:24).

Mommy Please Don’t Cry, There Are No Tears in Heaven – Linda DeYmaz

This is a book of love and comfort for mothers who have experienced the deep sorrow of losing a child. Each page is like opening a gift…bright, beautiful, joyful illustrations and gentle, poignant words describe heaven from a child’s eyes. It is a message of hope and healing

Naming the Child: Hope-filled reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death – Jenny Schroedel

Hope and healing for those who suddenly find themselves in the most terrible sort of grief.
For those who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of a child within the first year, this gentle resource offers:

  • stories of hope and wisdom;
  • practical advice and guidance, based on the experience of many;
  • comfort and ways to honor and remember.

Naming the Child creates a community of love and support for bereaving parents and siblings, written with a light touch and sensitive spirit.

Sufficient Grace – Kelly Gerken

Sufficient Grace chronicles not only one family’s painful journey through the stormy sea of grief after the loss of three of their five children, but also shares the lessons learned about the true faith and grace God gives to His people, even in the midst of life’s storms. It also tells about the birth of Sufficient Grace Ministries, and includes helpful information for families walking through grief after the loss of a child.

The Memory Box. A book about grief – Joanna Rowland

“I’m scared I’ll forget you.”

From the perspective of a young child, Jennifer Rowland artfully describes what it is like to remember and grieve a loved one who has died. The child in the story creates a memory box to keep mementos and written memories of the loved one, to help in the grieving process. Heartfelt and comforting, The Memory Box will help children and adults talk about this very difficult topic together. The unique point of view allows the reader to imagine the loss of any they have loved – a friend, family member, or even a pet. A parent guide in the back includes expert information from a Christian perspective on helping children manage the complex and difficult emotions they feel when they lose someone they love, as well as suggestions on how to create their own memory box.

The Next Place – Warren Hanson 

An inspirational, all inclusive, spiritual pondering about death and what happens after we die.  Appropriate for any age.

The Twenty-four Weeker: Bentley’s Story – Laura Deckard Dobbins

Laura and her husband, Hans, are expecting their first child amidst new jobs, a new home, and their first year of marriage. The Twenty-four Weeker: Bentley’s Story is one mother’s journey through pregnancy, loss, and spirituality. This short book is a true account of life’s sourest lemons.

Threads of Hope, Pieces of Joy – Teale Fackler and Gwen Kik

This pregnancy loss Bible study entitled, Threads of Hope, Pieces of Joy, ministers to individuals and small groups who have experienced a loss through miscarriage, stillbirth or any form of early infant death. Some of the questions discussed during the 9-week study include: “where do I go from here?” “where is my child now?” “can I ever understand why?” and “how can God help me deal with losing my baby?” A wonderful resource for those seeking strength and comfort through a better understanding of Biblical readings.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People – Harold Kushner

When Harold Kushner’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease and that he would only live until his early teens, he was faced with one of life’s most difficult questions: Why, God? Years later, Rabbi Kushner wrote this straightforward, elegant contemplation of the doubts and fears that arise when tragedy strikes. Kushner shares his wisdom as a rabbi, a parent, a reader, and a human being. Often imitated but never superseded, When Bad Things Happen to Good People is a classic that offers clear thinking and consolation in times of sorrow.

When Love and Sorrow Embrace – Beth Forbus 

You can’t see. You can’t hear. You can’t breathe. You can’t feel anything but sorrow. You can’t imagine how you’ll ever survive the loss of your baby. If you have suffered the loss of a baby to miscarriage or stillbirth, this book is written for you. The sorrow of such a loss can be debilitating. The sweet strains of a lullaby plunge into a funeral dirge, and then the music of a lifetime is over. Dancing has turned to mourning. Many let their hope, their marriage, or even their faith die along with their baby. With God’s grace, you will survive this great sorrow. You will live again. You will laugh again. You will sing again. And whatever the song God has chosen for you, you will dance again. In this, her second book, Beth Forbus addresses sensitive issues surrounding miscarriage, offering Biblical truths, hope, and encouragement in When Love & Sorrow Embrace: The Sufficiency of God’s Grace Through the Heartache of Miscarriage. Appropriate for anyone touched by miscarriage, including clergy and support groups

When the Bough Breaks – Bobbi Junior

Is more than a story about devastating loss. It is a gift of words tracing the heart of a mother through labour, delivery and unanticipated grief. Bobbi’s simplicity of tone draws the reader in and offers a unique and honest insight into the devastation that threatens to turn a mother’s heart inside out. There are no formulas between the covers of this book on how to grieve the loss of a child, no ten easy steps to recovery. There is only truth and encouragement, inspiration and hope as Bobbi and her young family, seek to find a new normal.