Memorial Items
A Mother's Blessed Keepsakes
Custom crafted keepsake jewellery created with Breastmilk, Cremation ash, Locks of hair, Placenta dust, Embryo ash, Dried flowers, Umbilical cord, Soil, even Fabric
Alexis Marie Chute
Her artwork includes and combines painting, photography, video, textiles, typography, and found objects
Angel Book: A Baby Loss Journal Paperback by Sweet Julian (Author), L Virissimo (Creator)
This journal is meant to help mothers who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal demise. The book contains phrases and prompts that highlight the baby’s imprint on the mother’s life and provides uplifting quotes from the baby loss community. It allows the mother to commemorate and honor the brief life of her baby in a meaningful way that will also help heal and inspire her grieving heart. (Some available at cost through meetings)
Artful Ashes
Your loved one’s ashes memorialized in glass art
Ashes To Glass
Where love becomes glass. Blending ashes and glass into unique works of art... memorial glass jewelry and keepsakes made with love, from our family to yours
Avery's Garden
Baby Loss colouring books (Some available at cost through meetings)
Butterfly Wings n' Wishes
Butterfly release
Centering Grief Resources
Grief Resources for adults, children and teens
Cherished Sentiments
Charms made with actual handprints/footprints
Comfort Company
Sympathy gifts, books, cremation jewelry, and keepsakes
Commemorative Trees
Planting a tree in your baby’s memory
Birth Bears, Bereavement Bears and Buddie Bears
Danielle Joy Designs
Hand Stamped Jewelry
Dear Coco Design
Also check on Instagram
Custom embryo paintings of the sweetest miracles
Everlasting Heart Keepsakes
Cremation and breast milk jewelery
Get Name Necklace
Engraved baby feet ring with birthstone
Grief Watch
Your resource for dealing with loss
Heaven's Gains
Pregnancy loss support, caskets, urns and memorial items
Held Your Whole Life
This is a place for bereaved families who have experienced the loss of their baby(s) in-utero, whether through miscarriage or still birth
I Had a Miscarriage
Realistic Pregnancy Loss Cards
Jacobs Wings
Sculptures & Keepsakes
Jewelry Keepsakes
Cremation Jewelry In Honor of Those You Love
Joy Comes in the Morning
Joy Comes in the Morning: Coloring Through Infant Loss and Miscarriage Paperback Loss Colouring book (faith based)
La Belle Dame
Miscarriage Jewelry for those who have experienced the loss of a baby by miscarriage or stillbirth during pregnancy, or during infancy
Heartfelt line of rings for miscarriage & pregnancy loss
Memorial Benches
Dedicate a commemorative plaque displayed on benches in the City’s parks and open spaces
Memory Glass
Provides a unique method of memorializing your family, friends and pets by suspending cremated remains within solid glass sculptures and keepsake jewelry
Metal Stamped Memories
Jewelry and keepsakes that keep the memories close to your heart
Miscarriage Grief Journal
48 Journaling Prompts to Process the Loss of a Baby
Molly Bears
They create weighted bears for families coping with any form of infant loss
Mourning Drop Memorial Jewelry
Sympathy jewelry
My Forever Child
Keepsakes and jewelry for remembrance, healing and hope
My Tangible Peace
Realistic Models of all gestations
Personalized Loss Books
A Range of Personalized baby, child, and adult loss books
Pictures On Gold
Creates the finest Photo Pendants and Charms, Gold Lockets, Silver Lockets and other Personalized Photo Jewelry
Portraits By Dana
Gently hand-drawn portraits for the infant loss community
Project Robby
It is our goal to supply grieving families with a bereavement set (hat/blanket/angel wing) that is the appropriate size of their angel baby
Reborn dolls
Realistic looking baby dolls
Seeded Hope
Treasured pieces for your journey. Designed to bring hope & healing. Handcrafted with broken, waiting & hopeful hearts in mind. Creating personalized gifts to mark life's milestones
Silver Soul
A unique collection of jewelry and keepsakes
Embryo and other IVF inspired watercolor paintings
Star Moment
We print the stars, as they were aligned in your special Moment
Thumbies Fingerprint Jewelry
A Thumbies personalized print charm is such a unique and precious piece of jewelry, created from actual fingerprints, handprints, or footprints
Telus World of Science Edmonton - Be A Star
The Edmonton Space & Science Foundation's Be a Star program is perfect for any gift giving occasion and also offers a lasting sentiment as a memorial or tribute
Twinkle Star Project
Remembering babies gone too soon
Poor Prognosis
A Choice for Love– Susan E. Hodge
A journal after a genetic termination
A Gift of Time – Continuing Your Pregnancy When Your Baby’s Life is Expected to Be Brief – Amy Kuebelbeck and Deborah Davis
A Gift of Time is a gentle and practical guide for parents who decide to continue their pregnancy knowing that their baby’s life will be brief. When prenatal testing reveals that an unborn child is expected to die before or shortly after birth, some parents will choose to proceed with the pregnancy and to welcome their child into the world. With compassion and support, A Gift of Time walks them step-by-step through this challenging and emotional experience—from the infant’s life-limiting prenatal diagnosis and the decision to have the baby to coping with the pregnancy and making plans for the baby’s birth and death.
A Time To Decide, A Time To Heal – Molly A. Minnick, Kathleen J. Delp, Mary C Ciotti
is about the experience of parents making difficult decisions about babies they love, about taking control in a seemingly out of control situation, about hope for healing and about the experience of a subsequent pregnancy. It’s about how couples heal – together and apart, about continuing a pregnancy with known fetal anomalies, about selective fetal reduction, and the experience of D&E. It also includes touching poems, letters and memorials written by parents.
Beyond Prenatal Choice – Centering Corporation
Support and information after pregnancy termination due to fetal abnormality.
Embracing Laura: The grief and healing following the death of an infant twin – Martha Wegner-Hay
In Embracing Laura, Martha Wegner-Hay tells her story of grief and joy after discovering she was pregnant with twins, that one twin would not survive, and giving birth to her healthy son, David. After being told that one of her twins had almost no chance of survival and that the sick baby could affect the chance of survival of the healthy twin, Wegner-Hay and her family made the difficult choice of selective reduction. Embracing Laura tells of the wrenching collision of sadness at Laura’s death, and the joyous experience of David’s healthy birth.
Help, Comfort & Hope – Hannah Lothrop
Help, Comfort & Hope after Losing Your Baby in Pregnancy or the First Year, is warmly written for those who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, SIDS or termination of pregnancy. In the first part of the book, Hannah Lothrop offers practical coping suggestions for families and gently suggests what has helped other parents survive the crisis of losing a child. In the second part of the book, she provides specific information for caregivers — hospital staff, ministers, funeral directors, support group leaders — who work with grieving families. An extensive resource section helps identify additional sources of support.
Loving and Letting Go – Deborah L. Davis PhD
Deborah Davis has written, Loving and Letting Go, for those parents who decide not to seek aggressive medical intervention for their critically ill newborn. The book guides parents as they try to sort through the medical information that is being presented them and balancing that with the many emotions and quality of life issues that parents in this situation must weigh. Davis also helps parents anticipate some of the reactions others may have to their decision and offers possible responses. A much needed and well done resource.
Our Heartbreaking Choices: Forty-Six Women Share Their Stories of Interrupting a Much-Wanted Pregnancy – Christie Brooks
This book is about ending a pregnancy due to a poor prenatal diagnosis or due to serious maternal health complications. This book contains 46 personal stories, each one from a woman who decided to interrupt a much-wanted and oftentimes much-planned pregnancy. There is very little societal support for parents who make this decision, which leaves most parents to deal with their sadness and grief alone.
Precious Lives Painful Choices: A Prenatal Decision-Making Guide – Sherokee Ilse
This sensitive book offers a comprehensive discussion of the options available to prospective parents after hearing bad results from prenatal testing. The pros and cons of both termination and continuing the pregnancy are presented in a non-judgmental way, offering families information and reassurance that they must do what is right for themselves. Quotes and stories from people who have both continued and ended the pregnancy are included, clearly showing that neither choice is easy and neither one offers a short cut. Both are painful and life altering. Too often family, friends and even medical caregivers may put on pressure about what they think would be best. The big question is, ‘Which decision is the one that you can live with for the rest of your life.’ Excellent resource list and bibliography are included. Families are encouraged to read this guide at the time of their decision-making, before they make a permanent choice.
Waiting with Gabriel – Amy Kuebelbeck
When Amy Kuebelbeck was five-and-a-half months pregnant, she was told that the child she was carrying had a fatal heart condition. She and her husband were then faced with an impossible decision: give their baby a chance at life–and with it, enormous pain and suffering–or let their baby die naturally, shortly after birth.
When Courage Lies in Letting Go – Deborah Davis
This gentle, parent-friendly book affirms parents who are considering palliative care, or have already decided against continued aggressive medical intervention for their dying child. Listen to the stories of parents who have been there. Read about what “medical miracles” can really mean, and know that your decisions come from love, devotion, and the courage that lies in letting go.